Onions (Allium Cepa Linnaeus) is a type of plants belonging to the family Alliaceae and onions is also included into the genus Allium. Suspected onions came from Central Asia, the possibility of the Palestinians, then the onion is directly spread to Europe and India, and the entrance was brought by traders from there.
Onions are usually used by housewives to cook. In addition to cooking materials that are round and fleshy thick, it turns out during onions we know only as a spice in food ingredients only, not unexpectedly onion also has benefits for our health lo.
What do you already know what are the benefits of onions for our health? Here below I will explain some of the health benefits of onions for us for those of you who do not know. As well as I will explain how the treatment. Consider some of the benefits of onions are well below.
1. Overcoming Nausea
Easy to do, namely parutkan onions, then placed on the abdomen. Hot flavor of grated onion can be used to treat nausea in patients with colds.
2. Can Maintain Heart Health
The way you only need to consume half cut onions. It is able to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in your body. So that with the decrease of the bad cholesterol, heart health automatically be maintained by consuming onions on a regular basis.
3. Maintain Brain Health
Onions were also able to maintain the health of our brain. Easy to do, ie you only need to consume onions on a regular basis only. So if you eat onions on a regular basis, it will be able to nourish your brain to function well preserved.
Well, that's three benefits of onions which was very useful for us. You can try one of the ways already described above your home, if you want to try it. Then congratulations try it at home, thank you.