Galangal (Alpinia galanga) is a plant species belonging to the family Zingiberaceae and galangal also belong to the genus Alpinia. Galangal is also a type of plant tubers that can live highland areas and low-lying areas.
Chemical content contained in ginger include saponins, tannins, flavonoids and essential oils.
Galangal is usually used for seasoning food materials by means of rhizomes mememarkan then dipped away into the mix cuisines. In addition to food ingredients, galangal also has benefits for your health, you know.
Want to know what the benefits of ginger for your health? Well, if you want to know the following hearken well below galangal benefits for health and ways of treatment.
1. Can Increase Appetite
The trick allow 1 rhizome galangal 1 thumb-sized, slightly pulawaras fennel, ginger rhizome 1 1 thumb-sized, 1 stalk meniran and 3 cups water. Then to have smth. Washed all the ingredients until it is clean and iriskan thin all the ingredients, then rebuskan all ingredients with 3 cups of water, wait until the water is boiling and the remaining 1 cup, then filtered water and wait until the potion cool, then drink the potion 3 times a day regular routine.
2. Can Treat Panu
The trick allow 1 rhizome galangal 1 thumb-sized, whiting to taste and a little water. Then collision whiting and ginger until smooth, then mix with a little water, then rub and let stand for 30 minutes on the skin that are phlegm.
3. Can Treating Pain Spleen
The way provide 2 galangal rhizome of thumb, 3 bulbs ginger rhizome of thumb, 1 handful of leaves meniran and 3 cups water. Then rebuskan all ingredients with 3 cups of water, wait until boiling, then drinking his potion. Do this on a regular basis 2 times a day ie morning and afternoon, each 1 cup.
4. Can Treat Ramatik
Way 2 galangal rhizome provide for the thumb and one chicken egg. Then parutkan galangal and take water, mix with chicken egg yolk, then the two ingredients until evenly mixed, then drink 1 a day.
5. Can Treat Impotence
The way provide 2 rhizome galangal root of thumb, 2 ginger root rhizome of thumb, 2 lemon, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon pepper and 1 yeast tape. Then parutkan galangal root and ginger, then squeezed to take water, then mixed with other ingredients, then rebuskan with 1 cup of water to cook until evenly distributed. After that drink once a day, for maximum results drink every morning and evening before going to bed.
6. Can Treat Morbili
Do I provide 4 rhizome galangal root of thumb, 1 tsp eucalyptus oil and 2 tsp gandapura oil. Then parutkan galangal root until smooth and mix with the other ingredients until smooth, then used for foreign drugs.
Now that the benefits of ginger for your health. So now you tell us what are the benefits of ginger for your health? Well, if you're experiencing any of the diseases that is mentioned above, you can also try one of the ways of treatment already described above. Then good luck at home and hopefully this article useful for you, thank you.