Binahong is a plant that originated from Korea and consumed by the people of Vietnam during the US war in 1950-1970. Binahong is a medicinal plant that grows in the highlands. Binahong also the type of plants belonging to the family basellaceae and binahong belong to the genus Anredera.
Binahong leaves contain chemicals therein, among others such as saponins, polyphenols, alkaloids, essential oils, as well as oleanolik acid.
Binahong leaf also has the benefit that is very useful for you, which leaves binahong benefits for your health. Well, what do you already know what binahong leaves benefits for your health? Here I will explain the benefits of leaf binahong for your health and the way of treatment. Consider the well below.
1. Treating Dysentery
The trick binahong provide 10 leaves and 2 cups of water. Then the leaves binahong to have smth. Washed thoroughly, then rebuskan binahong leaves with 2 cups of water, wait until the water is boiling and the remaining 1 cup, then drink this potion 1 a day.
2. Overcome Brain Concussion
The trick is to provide 10 leaves binahong and 2 glasses of water only. Then the leaves binahong to have smth. Washed thoroughly, then rebuskan with 2 cups of water, then disaringkan and wait for it to warm lukewarm, after it had taken 2 times a day.
3. Increase Appetite
The trick binahong provide 5 leaves and 2 cups of water. Then wash the leaves binahong to clean first, then boiled the leaves binahong with 2 cups water to boil and the remaining 1 cup, then drink this potion 1 a day.
4. Meengobati Piles
The trick is provide binahong 16 leaves and 3 cups water. Then the leaves binahong to have smth. Washed thoroughly, then boiled the leaves binahong with 3 cups of water, wait until boiling and the remaining into 2 glasses, then drink 1 a day.
5. Smooth menstruation Substandard
Method of treatment that provide binahong 3 leaves and 2 cups of water. Then to have smth. Washed leaves binahong to clean first, then rebuskan with 2 cups of water, wait until boiling and the remaining to 1 cup, then drink the potion 1 a day.
Well, that leaves binahong benefits for your health. Hopefully this article useful for you and good luck, thank you.