There are some people become confident to speak to others as a result of unpleasant mouth odor. You do not maukan due to the bad breath you just do not dare to talk to others and become confident again?
The cause of bad breath is usually dikarena the rarely brush their teeth and less true in brushing teeth. Consequently grew germs in your mouth so that, your mouth becomes a bad odor.
What do you want to know how to naturally eliminate bad breath? Obviously you want to know is not it? There is a natural way that has proved successful in overcoming bad breath that is, using the betel leaf.
It's easy, just set up a seven pieces of betel leaf old, then knead until slimy betel leaves, boil with water until boiling, then kumurlah with betel juice that is already boiling.
Well, easy is not a natural way to get rid of bad breath using only the betel leaf. Then good luck ya at home, thanks to all of you who have read it.