Kidney is an organ that has a vital function for humans. Kidneys are also the formation of urine. The majority of people must have experienced kidney disease. The causes of kidney disease due to a blockage in the urinary tract, autoimmune disorders and suffering from cancer.
The symptoms of a person if heart disease, among others, is the occurrence of swelling in some parts of the body or even the entire body, from arms to legs, fluid drainage is not optimal, itching of the skin is excessive, feel the symptoms of shortness of breath or even out of breath and stomach to be bloated ,
Well, what you already know how to treat kidney disease? If you do not already know, here below are some natural ways to treat kidney disease. Consider for treating kidney disease below.
1. Eating Watermelon
Treating heart disease can also be done by perbanyaklah eating watermelon especially the whites and drink water at least 8 glasses a day.
2. Leaves Cats whiskers
The trick is the cat's whiskers provide 60 grams, 30 grams of fresh pearl grass, leaves 30 grams of fresh spoon and 4 glasses of water. Rebuskan all ingredients with 4 cups of water, wait until boiling and the remaining potion into 2 glasses, then saringkan to take a potion of water, then drink the potion 3 times a day.
3. Alang-Alang
The trick is provide 120 grams of reeds are still fresh, and then rebuskan with 3 cups of water, wait until boiling and the remaining potion to 1 cup, divide the mixture into 3, after drinking the concoction three times a day.
4. Leaves Bitter
The trick is to provide 20 grams of leaves and stems of bitter, corn silk 60 grams, 60 grams of leaves and roots purslane and water as much as 800 cc. Then rebuskan all ingredients, wait until the water remains to be about 450 cc, then disaringkan to take the water, after being filtered drinking the concoction three times a day ie morning, noon and night. The herb drink as much as 150 cc.
5. Leaves Breadfruit
The trick is to provide 15 grams of dried breadfruit leaf, then seduhkan with 1 cup boiling water, let stand for 15 minutes, then add the honey saringkan and secukupya, drink 2 times a day for 10 days. During treatment should not consume spinach, cassava leaves, red meat, spinach, offal and leaves and papaya.
6. Olive Oil
The trick is to provide 15 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon eucalyptus oil, 2 tablespoons water tape and 2 egg yolks. Then mix all ingredients, then confound until evenly, then drink one times a day, for about 10 days.